Home Therapy for Autistic Children - Why it’s Hard to Start

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Being a mom is exhausting
It’s hard being a mother. To say that I get it would be a lie. Having spoken to over 300 parents now in person (yes, I tried to count). The mothers have it the worse. First of all, mothers have a tendency to shoulder the blame for domestic matters. Secondly, if there is more than 1 child, things get hectic very quickly. And last, of all, there are so many things to take care of. Having 10-15 minutes of alone time is a luxury. That’s why I’m extremely grateful for moms who put in the effort. 

I had a mother who I was coaching for the past 2 years. She finally waved the white flag. Her son is speaking now, although not all caught up, she decided to stop for now. It’s incredibly difficult to carry out therapy at home yourself. You need someone to guide you, or better yet, work with an in-house therapist who can show you instead of telling you. Here at Agents of Speech, we try our best to show. However, nothing beats someone showing the techniques on your child right in front of you.

Overwhelmed with Information
There’s a lot of information out there. I don’t know how you found this page but chances are, you’ve searched all over the internet. Not only is there a lot of information, but there are also many contradicting opinions and suggestions. Nothing beats getting your child assessed in person and having a therapist walk you through everything that you need to know. If this is a luxury, then I would urge you to choose one person to listen to. Ignore anyone else and try his/her techniques first. It doesn’t have to be me, just choose someone who you feel like you can trust. Action beats anxiety!

“Maybe this won’t apply to my child?”
This is a question I get a lot. Whether it applies to your child or not, the bottom line is that we won’t know unless we try. It’s the same thing in life, if we don’t try then we won’t know. You might over or underestimate your child’s abilities. A mom told me that she thought her son would be able to pay attention and work on sounds at the table. Who knew when they sat down the child refused to look at her mouth. Try it and then evaluate whether this would be a good way to go. Some parents try the same method for months on end, if it doesn’t work, then move on!


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