साजिशन कैसे ? जलन और ईर्ष्या में आग के हवाले कर देता है। Hindi Film I Premchand I "MUKTI MARG" I

Описание к видео साजिशन कैसे ? जलन और ईर्ष्या में आग के हवाले कर देता है। Hindi Film I Premchand I "MUKTI MARG" I

Channel- Sunil Batta Films
Short Story - मुंशी प्रेमचन्द की कहानी "मु्क्ति मार्ग"
Munshi Premchand Story "Mukti Marg"

Produced & Directed by Sunil Batta, Story-Munshi Premchand, Music-Uttam Chatterji, Camera-Madhu Naidu, Make up-Hem Singh & Roopraj Singh, Edit-Prakesh Math, Cast-P D Verma, Ashok Suri, V D Gaur, Madhumita Mehrotra, Sandya Rastogi, Prabhat Mishra, Hafeez, Vinod Mishra, Daya Shanker Bajpai.

Synopsis of the Film-
गांव में जहां प्यार के फूल खिलते हैं……वहीं आपसी जलन और ईर्ष्या की बेले भी खूब फलती फूलती हैं…….इस कहानी में यही दिखाया गया है…..कि किस प्रकार एक किसान की लहलहाती फसल को एक गड़रिया अपनी कुढ़न से कैसे आग के हवाले कर किसान को मजदूर बना देता है……तो किसान भी गड़रिये को गौ-हत्या में साजिशन फंसा दर-दर का भिखारी बना देता है……मुंशी प्रेमचन्द की कहानी "मु्क्ति मार्ग".
Jhingur has procured a good crop this season and expects to sell it at a handsome price. He will be a rich man once his sugarcane is sold. One day while he is in his fields looking at his sugarcane swaying in the breeze, he notices the cattle rearer Budhu approaching his fields with his flock of sheep. Jhingur cautions Budhu to drive his sheep through some other field but Budhu takes his warning lightly. The sheep enter Jhingur fields he is enraged by Budhu's vanity and maddened with fury he starts beating and lynching the sheep brutally, while a stunned and speechless Budhu watches his cattle being mained.
Later, Jhingur realizes his mistake and on the advice of other villagers he sets out to Budhu's residence to apologize for his deed, but while he is crossing the fields he aghast to see his crop on fire. Villagers rush to the fields, Budhu is among them. Some how they douse the fire but the fire has ruined Jhingur. His months of hard labour and all his hopes have burnt down to ashes. He knows the culprit but what can he do? He has no proof against him.
Jhingur's heart seethes with anger and retribution but he waits for the opportune moments. He starts working as a labourer at a construction site far away from the village and develops a good relationship with Budhu. He strikes at the right moment when Budhu is expecting huge gains in his profession, ruining Budhu completely. Budhu knows who the culprit is but he has no proof.
To earn a living Budhu too starts working at the same construction stie where Jhingur works. And one evening after daylong hard labour, far away their village and family. the two enemies completely vanquished and ravaged, sit together, they cook food and eat.
"I burnt your crop" says Budhu.
"Yes I known" says Jhingur "I killed your cattle and the cow."
"I know ………………. "
Then lie down and go to sleep.

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