Israel, Iran, and the Rising Storm (9:00AM Service) | Pastor Lee Cummings

Описание к видео Israel, Iran, and the Rising Storm (9:00AM Service) | Pastor Lee Cummings

In this weekend’s sermon titled Israel, Iran, and the Rising Storm, Pastor Lee speaks on the war going on in the Middle East and answers 6 related questions including if this war has biblical relevance and how we are called to respond.

Hamas is unapologetically founded and committed to the destruction of the state of Israel and the death of every Jew.

The Hamas Commander's goal is not just about land, but to establish their law worldwide, eliminating Jews and Christians, and repeating the Holocaust.

Hamas has misused billions of dollars in humanitarian aid meant for the Palestinian people to buy weapons and use their citizens as shields against Israel.

In 1973, Hamas terrorists committed horrific acts of violence against innocent civilians in Israel, including beheading children and raping women.

The recent release of $6 billion to Iran, coupled with the removal of oil sanctions, has provided them with significant funds to support terrorism, aligning with their theological demands.

Hamas is seen as a demonic spirit of violence specifically aimed at the Jewish people, with the intention of wiping out the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David.

️"Israel Iran and the rising storm" - Pastor Lee Cummings addresses the current tensions between Israel and Iran, highlighting the significance of this escalating situation.

"What is taking place is part of something that is a greater ancient hatred."

The manipulation and indoctrination of individuals by extremist ideologies is not limited to Islamic communities, as we can see similar patterns in Western civilization.

The speaker describes the current situation between Israel and Iran as "demonic" and "satanic," suggesting a strong negative view of the conflict.

️ The rising global storm of anti-Israel sentiment is not just about what's happening in Israel and Gaza, but it is also anti-Jesus, anti-God, and a fulfillment of biblical prophecy.

Replacement theology has led to the persecution of Jews throughout history and is still prevalent in many major denominations today.

Israel's right to the land is supported by its historical, political, and spiritual significance, with a historical presence of at least 3500 years.

Israel and Jews have a historical claim to the land dating back 3500 years, long before the existence of Palestinians, as confirmed by archaeology and historical records.

The covenant between God and Israel, promising them the land of Canaan as an everlasting possession, is reiterated over a hundred times in the Old Testament.

The promises made by God to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob regarding Israel are unchanging and will endure forever, regardless of any temporary covenants.

The close friendship between Adolf Hitler and the spiritual leader of Jerusalem reveals the joint hatred for Jewish people that transcended religious boundaries.

0:00 Israel, Iran, and the Rising Storm Intro
3:06 What has brought this war about?
8:22 Israel’s right to the land and pursuit of peace
23:53 What about the Palestinian people?
33:09 Does this have Biblical relevance?
45:05 Where is this going?
51:52 How should we respond?


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