Maha Sivarathri at Sivashangkari Temple, Cheras

Описание к видео Maha Sivarathri at Sivashangkari Temple, Cheras

Dear Friends,

When we met Dato’ Dev Anand and his lovely wife Datin Janaki at the tastefully elegant and new Sivasangkari Temple, Cheras, which he had recently completed and consecrated, we were truly impressed. That Dato’ Dev was able to fulfill his vow to construct this beautiful temple through his labour of love and devotion, was indeed no small feat!

We gladly agreed to Dato’ Dev request to perform in the temple on the auspicious Maha Sivarathri, on 8 March 2024. For Hindus this is the most powerful night of the year.

Secretly, we were delighted that we would be performing right in front of the sanctum as this proximity to the deity would enhance the fervour of ‘bhakti’ when we dance directly facing the object of worship.

We conceived of a program, ANANDA: The Dance of Joy & Bliss of Lord Siva taking the works from the highlights from both our repertoires of Bharatanatyam and Odissi. The dances celebrated Lord Siva’s triumphs and attributes related to his Myth of Creation.

There was a palpable resolve among Sutra dancers to give their best as this was no ordinary performance but undertaken as a ritual homage from the dancers, for the auspicious Sivarathri.

Dato’ Dev, his sons and his family participated in an elaborate puja and circumambulated around the temple. Another elaborate ritual followed in front of the Brihadeeshwar shrine where we were able to witness Lord Siva, in his form of the Lingam (his powerful unmanifested energy) was ritually cleansed and bathed in various concoctions of chandan, turmeric, milk and other fluids.

After this the screen of the shrine was closed and when the screen was opened again, the Lingam was decorated and seen in all its beauty, glory and splendour. The devotees, in a state of wonderment were given darshan and subsequently blessed.

Sutra dancers performed after this to a full audience seated on the floor. The atmosphere was electric and the audience were in absolute rapture. It was a night to remember for both audience, devotees and Sutra dancers - the latter were privileged to dance as a homage to Siva Mahadeva, on a special night of Maha Sivarathri, where the vibrations and forces of the Universe were powerfully and positively aligned.



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