EVER MAX長極輪首航 – 與大自然共舞(3分鐘版) / Ever Max’s Maiden Voyage – Dancing with Nature (3-minute version)

Описание к видео EVER MAX長極輪首航 – 與大自然共舞(3分鐘版) / Ever Max’s Maiden Voyage – Dancing with Nature (3-minute version)

EVER MAX長極輪為長榮海運首艘15,000 TEU級M型貨櫃輪,2023年6月26日首航,投入亞洲-美東航線營運。為紀念長極輪首航,長榮海運特別拍攝首航影片,配樂選用長榮交響樂團演奏之貝多芬《第七號交響曲》第一樂章,此曲被華格納譽為「舞蹈的神化」,結合長極輪「環保」船舶概念,展現出「與大自然共舞」的綠色航運精神,更傳遞對生態環境的尊重。


Evergreen Marine Corporation (EMC) celebrated the maiden voyage of Ever Max, its first 15,000 TEU class M-type containership, on the Asia-U.S. East Coast service on June 26, 2023. To commemorate this historic event, EMC produced a special video featuring footage of the maiden voyage set to the first movement of Beethoven’s 7th Symphony, performed by the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra. Described by Wagner as the “Apotheosis of the Dance”, this classical masterpiece, combined with the green ship concept embodied in Ever Max, exemplifies the spirit of “dancing with nature” while expressing reverence for the environment and the ocean’s ecology.

In contrast to the five-minute version, this video employs a distinctive visual style by adopting a linear documentary approach featuring mirror-symmetrical imagery. Adhering to the most recent international environmental standards, Ever Max not only integrates a design aimed at reducing carbon emissions but also includes state-of-the-art eco-friendly equipment. In doing so, it contributes to endeavors aimed at safeguarding our planet's ecosystems through the principles of sustainability.



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