Why Daemon X Machina Doesn't Scratch the Armored Core Itch

Описание к видео Why Daemon X Machina Doesn't Scratch the Armored Core Itch

Hello again, my friend.

Over the last couple of years, I’ve had Daemon X Machina recommended to me fairly often, as a long time Armored Core fan. I’ve had it sitting in my Switch wishlist, and in my Epic Games backlog on my PC for a fair while now. I kept thinking should play it, and I kept saying: “No, it doesn’t look or feel like it will be what I want it to be.” I finally decided to buckle down, and sink some hours into Daemon X Machina, after completing a full playthrough of every Armored Core in my collection, and I was correct: It wasn’t what I wanted it to be. It just didn’t scratch the Armored Core itch for me, the way some of my colleagues had claimed that it had for them.

Music is an extended mix of my own unreleased song: "LockStep"


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