Problematic foreign community in Korea. Isolation! Drama! Exclusion! Loneliness!

Описание к видео Problematic foreign community in Korea. Isolation! Drama! Exclusion! Loneliness!

For the past few months, I've noticed many videos talking about life in Korea and criticizing Koreans. I have my opinions about Koreans, however, the spotlight has never been shined on foreigners. Based on my experience, foreigners can be just as toxic as Koreans. I wanted to take the time to give my honest perspective on life in South Korea engaging with other foreigners.

There are millions of foreigners in South Korea and I know everyone's experience is different. This is just my opinion. I'm not trying to start some hate train against foreigners in South Korea, but I want to provide context about the foreign community within South Korea. I everyone who watches my video finds this helpful.

See you all next week with a new video!


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