Problematic Koreans....Let's Talk Koreans

Описание к видео Problematic Koreans....Let's Talk Koreans

Thank you everyone for support in my last video. That was a topic I was very passionate about and I wanted to talk about it for quite some times.

In this video, I wanted to shine a light on issues I faced in South Korea. Everything I talk about is based on my experince and people I know. I am not making assumptions, I'm sharing my perspective on certain topics. In addition to sharing my point of view, I want to offer a solution to these issues. A lot of the time we see foriegners rant, vent, or bash Koreans of South Korea, but I never see anyone offer a solution on how to fix the problem. So, I decided not only will I share what my friends and I have dealth with, but propose a way to fix it. That way it possibly won't happen to another person. In no way am I bashing Koreans or trying to be hateful. I simply want or promote change within my community and theirs. In the future, I want to have a video where myself, other foreigners, and Koreans can have a open conversation and share it on my channel. Maybe that can happen one day.

Thank you guys so much for your support. Thank you so much to everyone who has subscribed. Each and everyone of you are helpig me get one step closer to living my dream.


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