Gustav Mahler Symphony No. 2 "Resurrection" ~ V. Finale

Описание к видео Gustav Mahler Symphony No. 2 "Resurrection" ~ V. Finale

The great finale to the "Resurrection" Symphony. The two soloists proclaim the promise of Eternal Life. They are then taken up by the chorus in an ecstatic and triumphant accompaniment with full orchestra and organ until the final proclamation, "That for which you conquered, will lead you to God!"

O glaube, mein Herz, o glaube:
Oh believe, my heart, oh believe:

Es geht dir nichts verloren!
Nothing is lost to you!

Dein ist, dein, ja dein, was du gesehnt
All that you yearned for is yours, yes, yours;

Dein, was du geliebt, was du gestritten!
Yours, all that you loved and fought for!

O glaube: Du wardst nicht umsonst geboren!
Oh, believe: you were not born in vain!

Hast nicht umsonst gelebt, gelitten!
You did not live or suffer in vain!

Was erstanden ist, das muß vergehen!
All that is created must perish!

Was vergangen, auferstehen!
All that has died must rise again!

Hör auf zu beben!
Fear no more!

Bereite dich! Bereite dich zu leben!
Prepare yourself! Prepare to live!

O Schmerz! Du Alldurchdringer!
Oh, Grief, all-pervading!

Dir bin ich entrungen!
I have escaped you!

O Tod! Du Allbezwinger.
Oh, Death, all-conquering.

Nun bist du bezwungen!
Now you are conquered!

Mit Flügeln, die ich mir errungen,
With wings that I have won for myself

In heißem Liebesstreben
In the ardent labors of love

Werd' zich entschweben
I shall soar upwards

Zum Licht, zu dem kein Aug' gedrungen!
To that light which no mortal eye has perceived

Sterben werd' ich, um zu leben!
I shall die so that I may live!

Aufersteh'n, ya aufersteh'n wirst du,
You will rise again, yes rise again,

Mein Herz, in einem Nu!
My heart, in an instant!

Was du geschlagen
That for which you conquered

Zu Gott wird es dich tragen!
Will lead you to God!


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