Main Bhi Bharat –Tribes of Nagaland| Konyak tribe - The Headhunters

Описание к видео Main Bhi Bharat –Tribes of Nagaland| Konyak tribe - The Headhunters

The Konyak tribe is one of the largest of the 16 tribes of Nagaland. This tribe is known for its head hunters, due to their history of brutal headhunting. The practice of severing heads was common practice till the 1970s. They are also known for the many body tattoos that symbolised their courage and their many victories, the more the tattoos, the more accomplished the man was.

The Konyak society is still governed by its customary laws. In this episode, we talk about their culture, the dying art of tattooing, their livelihood, and the customary laws.

Anchor: Shyam Sunder


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