Learn Chinese Calligraphy of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth

Описание к видео Learn Chinese Calligraphy of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth

The article is published on the Website of Vision Times at http://www.visiontimes.com/2016/06/21...

According to ancient Chinese philosophy, the Five Elements (五行wu xing) include Metal (金 jīn), Wood (木 mù), Water (水shuǐ), Fire (火 huǒ), and Earth (土tǔ).

The Chinese believe that everything in the universe, our health included, is governed by the Five Elements.

Characteristics of the Five Elements:

Metal: Righteousness, firmness, rigidity, persistence, strength, and determination. Metal corresponds to the lungs and large intestine.

Wood: Benevolence, warmth, generosity, strength, flexibility, and boldness. Wood corresponds to the liver and to the gall bladder.

Water: Wisdom, flexibility, calmness, softness, and gentleness. Water corresponds to the kidneys and to the bladder.

Fire: Propriety, dynamism, strength, enthusiasm, creativity, and persistence. Fire corresponds to the heart and to the small intestine.

Earth: Honesty, stubbornness, rigidity, patience, thoughtfulness, and stability. Earth corresponds to the spleen and to the stomach.

All these elements interact with each other according to the principles of mutual generation and mutual inhibition. Wood generates Fire, Fire generates Earth, Earth generates Metal, Metal generates Water, and Water generates Wood; conversely, Water inhibits Fire, Fire inhibits Metal, Metal inhibits Wood, Wood inhibits Earth, and Earth inhibits Water.

The Five Elements are equally important, and should be kept in balance. If they are balanced, the environment will be stable, and people can live peacefully and have good luck.

If they are imbalanced, the environment will be unstable and unpredictable, which will in turn have a negative influence on you. Chinese astrology therefore uses the balance theory of Yin-Yang Five Elements to predict people’s fortune.

The demonstration in the video was done by Mr. Hsiao Shih-Hao, president of the Moxiang Calligraphy Association Taipei, Taiwan. (Image Courtesy of NTDTV AP)



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