
Описание к видео 【美食分享】糟菜鱼头汤做法,AMC产品与传统方法哪个更好?

For any recipe to be successful, getting the right temperature is the make-or-break factor when it comes to taste and healthiness. This is why every AMC lid pots and pans comes with the Visiotherm that makes the termperature inside the pot visible.
The acoustic control Audiotherm perfectly complements the Visiotherm and enables time-control. You will be notified and never miss the moment when something needs to be done. Cooking will be even easier by using Cook & Go, the AMC app that can be used to easily operate and monitor the Audiotherm via mobile devices from anywhere. The mobile cooking plate Navigenio in interaction with the Audiotherm makes it possible to automatically regulate the energy supply and thus control the cooking process.

明智烹饪法: 任何成功的食谱, 正确的温度是影响口感和健康的重要因素。这就是为什么每个AMC 锅都配有Visiotherm能把锅内的温度显示在溫度表上。
Audiotherm声控完美配合了Visiotherm, 并实现了时间控制。在烹饪过程中Audiotherm会通知您, 这样您就不会错过需要做的事。同时使用Cook&Go应用程式, 烹饪将变得更加容易, AMC 应用程式让您可在任何地点都能轻松操作并通过移动设备监控Audiotherm。移动式电炉Navigenio与 Audiotherm的互动, 可以自动调节电源并从而控制烹饪过程。

#糟菜鱼头汤 #homemade #鱼头汤 #糟菜鱼头的做法 #简单食谱 #简单家庭版糟菜鱼 #家常菜烹饪技巧 #营养美食食谱 #下饭菜 #美食 #美食制作 #中国美食 #美食做法 #AMC烹饪教学 #food #foodie #fishsoup #AMC #tasty #zaocai #smartcooking #cooking #cookingvideo #cook

Zao Cai Fish Head Soup

材料 ingredients:
鱼头 fish head
糟菜 Zao Cai - 150 克 g
蒜苗 leek - 1 条 pc
西芹 celery - 1 条 pc
番茄 tomato - 3 粒 pcs
芋头 taro - 100克 g
姜 ginger - 5片 sliced
蒜 garlic - 4 瓣 cloves
辣椒 chili - 1 条 pc
芫荽 coriander - 1 束 bunch
葱花 scallions - 少许 little
沸水 boiling water - 1 公升 liter
食用油 cooking oil - 3 汤匙 tbsp

调味料 Seasoning Sauce :
盐调味 salt to taste
味精 monosodium glutamate - 1/2 茶匙 tsp
胡椒粉 pepper powder - 1/2 茶匙 tsp
料酒 cooking wine - 1 汤匙 tbsp
醋 vinegar - 3 汤匙 tbsp

AMC 产品 Products :
28 cm hotpan
navigEnio wi-fi
audiotherm smart

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