キッチン好きな主婦 l 休日の夫婦2人ご飯 l 大好きな器と旬の料理 l 40代主婦の日常 l 丁寧な暮らし l Dinner for two for a couple on a holiday

Описание к видео キッチン好きな主婦 l 休日の夫婦2人ご飯 l 大好きな器と旬の料理 l 40代主婦の日常 l 丁寧な暮らし l Dinner for two for a couple on a holiday



●揚げ鰹のバジル梅トマトソース → 堀畑蘭 / オーバル皿鉄絵花摘み
●アジとグレープフルーツのカルパッチョ → 堀畑蘭 / 隅切皿鉄絵花摘み
●かぼちゃのニョッキ ゴルゴンゾーラソース →渡辺信史 / 綾花八角鉢
●取り皿 → 鷲塚貴紀 / Dish150 clear
●スパークリングワイン → シュピゲラウ / シャンパングラス

 マサックス ミレニウム カヴァ レゼルヴァ (スペイン)

 鰹(刺身用・さく) 300g
 にんにく 1かけ
 醤油 小さじ1
 溶き卵 1個
 小麦粉 大さじ2
 水 大さじ1
 パン粉 適量
  トマト 1個
  梅干し(甘いタイプ) 3個 ※甘くない梅干しの場合は塩は無しに
  レモン汁 小さじ1
  塩 少々
  青じそ 3枚分
  バジルの葉 4~5枚
  オリーブオイル 大さじ2
 揚げ油 適量

 アジ(3枚におろしたもの) 1尾分
 グレープフルーツ 1個
 グレープフルーツの絞り汁 大さじ1弱
 オリーブオイル 大さじ1
 ディル 適量
 赤紫色のマイクロハーブ 適量
 塩 適量
 胡椒 適量

■かぼちゃのニョッキ ゴルゴンゾーラソース


*Recipes are available in the Summary section*.
The temperature has quickly become more like fall.
The kitchen and dining table are already full of autumn in my home.
Today we served our favorite seasonal autumn dishes on our favorite tableware.
Recently, our children are getting older and they often go out with their friends, so we have been able to spend a little more time alone together.
We have a lot to talk about at the end, so please stay with us until the end.

🌟Official mail order “Life with Utsuwa” sales 🌟
 Artist Ran Horihata's web solo exhibition will start on October 17, 2024 (Thursday) at 6:00 pm.
 In conjunction with this, the coordinating set used in this video will also go on sale.
 Please come and take a look.
 *Postings on the sales website will be updated according to the start date and time of sales.
 *Member registration is required for all purchases.
  Therefore, it is recommended that you register as a member prior to the start of sales to facilitate your purchase.
 *For any other inquiries, please contact us from the Contact Us page on the website.

🍽Dishes and Plates of the Day
*Deep-fried bonito with basil-plum tomato sauce → Ran Horihata / Oval dish with iron decoration and flower plucking
*Horse mackerel and grapefruit carpaccio → Ran Horihata / Sumikiri plate with iron decoration and flower plucking
*Pumpkin gnocchi with Gorgonzola sauce → Shinji Watanabe / Ayaka octagonal bowl
*Dish → Takanori Washizuka / Dish 150 clear
*Sparkling wine → Spiegelau / Champagne glass

🥂Today's wine
 Masachs Millenium Cava Reserva (Spain)

#丁寧な暮らし #暮らし #40代主婦の日常 #utsuwa #cooking #vlog #料理動画 #和洋折衷 #旬の料理 #秋の味覚 #夫婦2人ご飯 #キッチン好きな主婦 #大好きな器


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