My very first fish of 2022 - part 2 surfcasting Muriwai with my mate Derek

Описание к видео My very first fish of 2022 - part 2 surfcasting Muriwai with my mate Derek

It was pretty much high now but with it not being a real big tide we were able to make our way along the softer sand. After driving another 5-6ks further along the beach we came across another nice little trough - roughly 40mtrs wide and only 10-20mtrs out from the inner bank the waves were breaking on. Already set up we had our baits back out there in no time and the little shift did wonders for us as the bites were pretty much instant. This spot provided us with a few more kahawi and the Trevs we were wanting. Our morning plan had really come together and now with that lower tide upon us the little trough we were fishing was getting shallower and shallower. We stayed put in hope it would eventually dry so we could cross it to get to the inner bank where I love to fish the low. After another hour it looked like it wasn't going to shallow out enough for us, we were either going to get wet up to our waist or my second plan was to head a little further up the beach where an inner channel opens up.

This channel is near the end where it starts around 20-30mtrs wide then gradually grows to around 100mtrs and is open at the end, this allows fish freely to come and go as they please to feed on the abundance of food this place holds. This would be our last spot and this was our second part of our plan to catch a few snaps to finish the day off. Flicking out our baits once more, it didn't take long for the good ole kahawai to start coming ashore but between them I could detect a different bite - snapper bites. It was time to switch my bait from pilliy to fresh kahawai, this would give me a better chance to hook up on the snapps. Fresh kahawai cube in and bang I was hooked up to my first snap - nothing big but a nice little 36-37cm eater.

Next bait was the same, the snaps were here and we were having a ball. Derek was yet to catch one among the kahawai but he stuck at it. The tide had turned and being nearer to the end we wouldn't get long so we had to throw everything at them. We were crossing a little knee high trough over to the bank which was filling fast, but we kept at it as long as we could. In the end we didn't do too badly and you could say our plan worked out perfectly. We had our morning catch - 4 kahawai and 2-3 trevs but we also added 4-5 snaps to end the day. It was a nice little mixed bag and plenty for the 2 of us. It was a mint day and awesome to catch up with Derek and get him out onto his first ever Muriwai mish.

He's already talking about our 2nd Muriwai adventure - maybe an overnight adventure...

Tight lines 🎣


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