Traditional School VS. Homeschool | Pros And Cons | Special Education Decoded

Описание к видео Traditional School VS. Homeschool | Pros And Cons | Special Education Decoded

Homeschooling has exploded in recent years! There are a TON of reasons for this exponential growth…

** One-On-One Remote Tutoring;

More and more parents are finding jobs that allow them to be remote, so they travel and bring their family along.

Many parents are simply taking their child’s education into their own hands…


Well… some of the reasons I’ve heard from parents are;

● Remote Jobs
● Parent’s Taking Education Into Their Own Hands;
○ School system resources decreasing
○ Teacher Burnout
○ Less one-on-one help available
● Dissatisfaction with the rate of school system advance

If you have ever thought of making this transition or are interested in knowing some of the secrets… you won’t want to miss what I’m about to show you!

Welcome to this episode of Special Education Decoded

Alright… here’s what we are going to disclose in today’s video;
Homeschooling - Here’s What You Need To Know
1. Homeschool Pros
2. Homeschool Cons
3. Traditional School Pros
4. Traditional School Cons
5. Meeting In The Middle

1. Homeschool Pros
A. Allows Parents To Provide Children With Exceptional Education
a. Enriched By Real-World Experiences
i. 4H
ii. Scouting
iii. Church Groups
iv. Community Volunteering
v. Traveling To Destinations (Historic Places, Etc)
b. Allows Flexibility To Spend Extra Time On Your Child’s Gifted Areas
c. Able To Run Online Business And Teach Entrepreneurial Skills
d. Educate Through Everyday Life

2. Homeschool Cons
A. Your Children Are Always Home
B. Time-Consuming For Parents
C. NEED To Force Social Interaction
D. Same Questions Are Always Asked (And May Get Old)
a. How Do You Socialize Your Child?
b. You Must Be Very Religious, Right?
c. How In The World Do You Have The Patience?

3. Traditional School Pros
A. Prepares Children For The Real World
a. Working In Groups
b. Interacting To Accomplish Projects
c. Less Supervision As Children Age
d. Less Intervention From Parents
e. Services For Children With Special Needs
f. Enrichment Activities (Art, Music, Etc)
g. Both Parents Are Able To Work If Needed/Wanted

4. Traditional School Cons
A. Families Schedule Needs To Mirror The Districts
a. Extended Absences Are Frowned Upon
B. Teaches “To The Middle”
a. Gifted Students Are Typically Not Put In A Position To Maximize That Gift
b. Children With Special Needs Are Often Not Provided With Everything They NEED
C. School System May Teach Different Values Than You Would Like
a. Politics
b. History
c. Religious Beliefs
d. Etc
D. Traditional Private Schools Can Be Expensive
E. Some Public Schools Require Uniforms, Fundraisers, School Parties, Etc
F. Certain Life Subjects Are Not Taught
**Here’s the secret to all of this…

There are ZERO signs that the education system will improve during your child’s school years.

That’s a hard pill to swallow… for sure. But it’s true. While there are pockets of great districts… or rooms filled with extraordinary teachers, they are the exception.

If your child is falling behind… you can’t wait for the school system to come to the rescue. The lack of resources will not allow it anytime soon!

If your child is excelling in school… it’s most likely due to the fact that they have an incredible teacher who spends a lot of her personal time building, creating, and implementing the resources necessary for children to reach maximum success.

So while you may not want to make the jump from traditional school to fulltime homeschool… there’s a happy medium that millions of parents have latched onto.

We have…

Our daughter is 7 years old. She’s gifted in many areas, and we’ve found that traditional school is too easy for her.

Instead of pulling her out of school and bringing her into a fulltime homeschool environment… We have her work with one of our special education experts 3 times per week.

She focuses on her gifted areas… which, for her, includes Math and reading.

She absolutely LOVES this process and tells her teacher all about her sessions the day after they take place.

At a minimal cost and zero family interruption… this is the direction hundreds of families have gone…

For more information about our programs… take a look at our online tutoring program;

I truly hope this video helped you understand more about homeschooling and options that may exist or, at the very least, opens up your mind to ask more questions for your child!

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If you have suggestions on what you’d like to see in a video topic or if you have additional questions related to homeschool or traditional school, please either leave a comment OR contact us [email protected]

We love interacting with our incredible community and strive to help simplify the crazy world of Special Education.

From all of us at - Thank you for watching this episode of Special Education Decoded


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