Oblitus Casa 2.0 - All Creepypasta Challenge Hard Modes Complete

Описание к видео Oblitus Casa 2.0 - All Creepypasta Challenge Hard Modes Complete

Game play: https://gamejolt.com/games/OblitusCas...

Am I late to the party? Yes
Do I care? No

Painfully, OBS decided not to record my microphone for Jeff and Slenderman but I didn't feel like rebeating them for it. I originally beat all these a few months ago but recently it started to bother me that I didn't record any of them so I decided to do that a couple days ago. Originally, Jeff took me about half an hour, Slenderman and Jack took about 2 hours, and Smile Dog took about 3 hours. Thankfully rebeating them didn't take nearly as long for any of them with Jeff taking about 15 minutes, Slenderman about half an hour, Smile Dog about 40 minutes, and Jack about 20 minutes. By far the hardest is Smile Dog, it is terrible and destroys your wrist. By far the easiest is Jeff with Slenderman and Jack feeling like roughly the same difficulty

For a more in depth explanation of each
Jeff the Killer: Up until you've rebooted 3 cameras he will enter and leave so long as you stay still, fortunately being on the camera and rebooting the cameras counts as staying still so rebooting the first 3 is easy. Always reboot the 2 right before your room as a part of those 3 so you can quickly check if he's there. If you see him there, wait for 3-7 of the static noises you hear while rebooting the camera, depending on how many cameras are rebooted.

Slenderman: It used to be you could sit in the side room and fully recharge the light but they patched that sadly, so instead get all 7 pages from around the tunnels and save that one for last. You could also scout out all the page locations before collecting any too but that was patched too. Recharge the light every so often while running, but not for too long since he'll kill you if you do. Before collecting the first page I would charge the light for awhile to make sure it's full because it will start getting dark fast so I want to make sure I have as much flashlight battery as possible. The pages will also only appear in the middle of each tunnel, and each tunnel has 7 sections divided by the pipes so I would count to 4 before checking for a page

Smile Dog: You better pray you're fast at checking the cameras because it does not give you a lot of time. A lot of the time I just guess where I think ti is and reset if I guess wrong because checking all the cameras only to find it's in the attic wastes too much time. If on the first attack he doesn't go to the attic I just reset, afterwards he typically will do the camera attack twice in a row so on the fourth attack I'll check the attic again. Note he cannot go to the attic twice in a row

Eyeless Jack: He is fast, and having a time limit makes him so much worse. It is also incredibly dark, I could more clearly see all the dust on my monitor than anything else, the compass is the only way you'll really be keeping track of the direction you're facing. The time is also pretty tight, once you hear a loud set of bells (it plays around 20:48 in the video) then your time is almost up, usually there's enough time left for 1, maybe 2 pictures after that plays. There are a few times you'll see me running down a hallway, stop halfway and turn around, this is because Jack has a tendency to lead you in circles so I would turn around and try to cut him off. There are also a few times when he's close but turned so I take a picture, this isn't really needed but it feels better to do it. There's also times where I'm sitting still, I'm trying to hear where he is because he gets super quiet


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