[ENG SUB] 女首富张美兰保护伞失灵 越共反腐升级权斗加剧 Who is behind Vietnam’s biggest corruption case? | 世界大解说

Описание к видео [ENG SUB] 女首富张美兰保护伞失灵 越共反腐升级权斗加剧 Who is behind Vietnam’s biggest corruption case? | 世界大解说




Vietnam’s top female billionaire Truong My Lan has been sentenced to death, and this has exposed her powerful backer, former Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee Le Thanh Hai, also known as “Ho Chi Minh City’s Boss Hai”.

The two swindled tens of billions of dollars from a bank with their power and money deals, and Le Thanh Hai’s land-grabbing actions during his tenure caused public outrage.
The outside world has criticised Le Thanh Hai as Vietnam’s most corrupt official in the past decade.

However, the much-vaunted fight against corruption is now suspected to be a fight for power within the Communist Party of Vietnam, throwing the political arena into disarray.

In this episode of “The World Explained”, we delve deep into how Vietnamese officials and businessmen collude, and see how unchecked power loot the country’s assets and affect the top echelons of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

视频内容 Video Chaptering:
00:00 越南最大诈骗案 谁是女首富背后的保护伞?Who is behind Vietnam’s biggest corruption case?
00:46 张美兰被判死刑 牵出胡志明市第一贪官 Truong My Lan sentenced to death, Ho Chi Minh City’s top corrupt official implicated
02:19 官商勾结非法敛财 银行地产都不放过 Officials and businessmen collude for illicit enrichment; Banks and real estate not spared
04:34 黎清海任内胡作非为 守添民众遭欺压 Le Thanh Hai behaved unruly during his tenure; Thu Thiem residents oppressed
06:36 荒地变成天价地皮 房地产业屡爆诈骗案 Wasteland becomes overpriced land; Repeated fraud in the real estate industry
07:56 反腐其实为内斗?新国家主席也有“黑历史” Fight against corruption actually infighting? New president also has a “dark past”
10:12 紧盯总书记宝座 越共权力游戏白热化 All eyes on General Secretary’s throne; Communist Party of Vietnam’s power struggle heats up

#越南 #越南共产党 #张美兰 #女首富 #死刑 #房地产 #金融诈骗 #西贡商业银行 #黎清海 #贪污 #贪官 #阮富仲 #苏林 #政治斗争 #胡志明市 #守添新城区 #强拆 #抗议 #TruongMyLan #LeThanhHai #ToLam #NguyenPhuTrong #Vietnamrealestate #Bankfraud #SaigonCommercialBank #corruption #CommunistParty


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