Caregiving Expert Pamela D. Wilson Helps Caregivers with Resources and Advice

Описание к видео Caregiving Expert Pamela D. Wilson Helps Caregivers with Resources and Advice

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Important Note:  This full episode comes with links to several important resources provided by Pamela D. Wilson that can be found at this link: You don't want to miss those.

Pamela D. Wilson is a caregiver expert.  She provides answers, resources, and skills that translate into peace of mind for people who find themselves involved in the important yet sometimes emotional and challenging work of caregiving.  Pamela holds an MS, BS/BA, CG, CSA, and has a healthy bundle of experiences that fall under healthcare access and financial responsibilities, as well as the more emotional side of taking care of someone you love.

The practical components of trying to run a business or work a project that has your heart while also caring for a family member can be overwhelming.  And, while there is no "one-size-fits-all" guide on how to do it right, Pamela has information and answers to questions you have not asked because you didn't know what to ask.  We talk about these critical questions and answers in this episode of Frontrunners Innovate.  It is my gift to you on this, the 2024 International Women's Day -- to give the women (and men) who are out there making a difference in other people's lives (and in the life of someone they love at the same time) a little peace of mind and maybe a good resource or two.  Special thanks to Tsegga Medhin, Fouder of The Pearl Leadership Institute, my brilliant Co-Host, who is one of these women.  Her participation made for a rich conversation, indeed.  (Check out the video below the interview for Pamela's advice on "How to Avoid Paying for an Elderly Parent’s Nursing Home Bill.")

Pamela D. Wilson:

Tsegga Medhin:

Frontrunners Development is a business development agency focused on creating business connections that matter. The people we interview for our podcast, Frontrunners Innovate, are working from the diplomatic, corporate, and founder levels on innovating solutions on the world's most challenging problems. Most interviews generate new and exciting business opportunities, often before we even get off the interview.

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