A powerful question for consultative selling…

Описание к видео A powerful question for consultative selling…

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This one question will help you close more clients…
It’s a way to shortcut so much of the consultative selling process…
Where you’re on the line with a prospect…
Figuring out what they’re up against…
And how you might help them.
If you develop rapport — and they’re willing to be a little open and vulnerable…
This question will completely motivate them to spill their heart out to you…
EXACTLY what they are struggling with…
Why they haven’t solved their challenge…
And what you need to help them overcome in order to get them to buy.
Simple. Easy to remember. Powerful.
And I can’t think of a market it wouldn’t work for.
The question is revealed in today’s video.
Watch now.
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr

#consultativeselling #sales #getclients


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