Bio-based textile reinforced concrete for the design of thin shells

Описание к видео Bio-based textile reinforced concrete for the design of thin shells

Parallel Session 1, Bio-based concepts inspiring the spatial structures and architecture of the next generation – Giuliana Scuderi, Liam Flanagan

Giuliana Scuderi is a postdoc at HZ University Of Applied Sciences, Netherlands and Liam Flanagan is a Structural Engineer at Dandara Ltd.

Whilst synthetic textiles, such as carbon fibre and AR-glass textiles, are broadly analysed in literature, there are virtually no studies about the use of natural textiles in textile reinforced concrete. The application of these textiles in textile reinforced concrete and their compatibility with the concrete matrix is presented and analysed, and pre-treatment strategies are explored.
A possible application for this technology in a catenary pavilion is also presented.

Watch their presentation on "Bio-based textile reinforced concrete for the design of thin shells" from the Spatial Structures 2020/21 Conference.

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