
Описание к видео Galaktoboureko

Galaktoboureko is definitely one of the most classic and traditional Greek recipes, a much-loved phyllo dessert that makes the perfect end for almost any meal.

For the syrup
4 cups granulated sugar
2 cups water
1 stick(s) cinnamon
1 strip of lemon peel
For custard filling
4 eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup heavy cream 35%
3 cups milk 3,5%
1 pinch salt
2 vanilla pods or 1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup semolina
100 g (7 tbsp) butter
For the Phyllo
220 g (1/2 pound) butter, melted for brushing phyllo
1 pound phyllo sheets defrosted and at room temperature

Find the full recipe here:


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