Samurai Warriors 5 KURODA KANBEI FULL MOVESET (chaos mode)

Описание к видео Samurai Warriors 5 KURODA KANBEI FULL MOVESET (chaos mode)

The second origami user. He is pretty much the same as Oichi but slighly cooler.
The C1, C2 and C3 will summon more origami by your side (they are different for each charge attack and stack) to help you (like shooting fireball) and can be consumed to empower your C4, C5 and C6.
Kanbei first unique charge is the C1,the water attack, a good crowd clearing tool that you will use a lot to summon more origami. His second unique charge is the C5 where he detonates the tornado.
Kanbei's unique skill is the lightning ball that looks like the C6 and it's a really good skill.

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Hope you enjoy the video and put a like if you wish. Thanks.


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