INFP memes? INFP memes.

Описание к видео INFP memes? INFP memes.

INFPs who mistyped themselves as INTPs, and vise versa, what made you realize that you’re not an INTP/INFP?

I had this very same dilemma before i knew a lot about mbti because im an intp that has a developed Fe (but it has proven to mostly be troublesome, so im trying to supress it more lately in favour of Ti) and i just looked at the letters of T and F.

It can be a bit hard at a first glance or in a general sense, because both types can be similar and infps use ti well.

Where i found the differences to be notable where in the feelings realm. INTPs supress their emotions and find them uncomfortable. They push them down and when under stress, since Fe is super immature, they burst into a rage or a crying fit that can last for a long time. This is a good sign to compare yourself to because people cant control their reactions when under stress, so if you burst out like that its likely that youre an intp over infp. (idk if other types have this loss of control problem).The Fe loss of control is very strong. On the other hand, INFPs dont have this problem because they lead with Fi, so they usually know how they feel and they actually value their feelings, unlike the lack of comfort around them that intps have and hence their avoidance of them.

Also, since infps view things through the unconscious yet permanently active state of Fi, they will filter everthing through how good or bad something is. An INTP doesnt care if something is good or bad. They care about it being correct and accurate. That’s because Ti is an accuracy function. Fi is values.

And about the information they tell you, INTPs dont tie their ego around it. They wont filter it about it being good or bad, it just is how it is and they will try to be as unbiased as possible or theyll try to present the information how they got it, if that makes sense. INFPs are also concerned with being fair and letting others have their opinions, but opinions are not what intps care about, because theyre usually not accurate.

Basically, if you understand humans, your emotions and are concerned with whats right and wrong INFP

If you dont understand humans or your uncomfortable emotions you avoid, and are concerned with how accurate and right and unbiased what youre saying is NTP

Try not to base your conclusion of your type on stereotypes like infps liking art and intps liking math, though it is a stereotype for a reason because it can be common, i know intps that are into art/music more than science or math, and infps that really like math.

Another thing is that since INTPs have Fe, they tend to be humanitarian (think elon musk) unlike infps. Fi as a function believes that you must first take care of yourself in order to be well enough to take are of others, so it values authenticity a lot, while Fe cares about others at its own expense, which is why intps can be doormats and have a difficutl time saying no to people, sometimes.

So also check if you value external group harmony over your feelings, or if youd rather be authentic to yourself and what you believe in instead of adopting a new groups values to fit in.

As a random example that might or might not be relevant i asked an infp why they thought something was correct when i was presenting to him information that proved it wasnt, and the infp told me that it was because he didnt ”feel” it was right. But that mightve just been that particular infp. Also, he didnt like mbti because it destroyed peoples originality, in the sense that he said people were too unique to categorize (i read that infps like to feel unique and really value their individuality, so they might not like mbti). An INTP would probably be thankful to get a system to categorize people and finally understand them as well as themselves, in contrast to the other point of view.

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