她在故宮上了44年班,發現秘史都寫在菜單裡了She Worked in the Forbidden City for 44 Years and Found the Secret History

Описание к видео 她在故宮上了44年班,發現秘史都寫在菜單裡了She Worked in the Forbidden City for 44 Years and Found the Secret History

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Drinking milk tea is a national custom of the Qing Dynasty included in the "Da Qing Hui Dian"; "Man Han Quan Xi" was not recorded in history, and is only the royal chefs' marketing gimmicks after the end of Qing Dynasty; Emperor Daoguang known for being thrifty had only five dishes for the New Year Festival; Qianlong's relationship with his second empress and concubine Ling can be told from the meal list... Follow YIT to see what other unknown royal family gossip there is.

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