The Pacific Northwest Trail 2022: Glacier to Polebridge (Part 1)

Описание к видео The Pacific Northwest Trail 2022: Glacier to Polebridge (Part 1)

If you want to skip the introduction and head straight to the trail terminus: 8:03.

This is the first video in a series on my 2022 through-hike of the Pacific Northwest Trail. It's a vlog that details my experience hiking the trail but also tries to provide some context to some of the sights and histories of the lands the trail crosses. I love photographing the landscape so this series is a chance for me to experiment with video more and have fun making music to hopefully tie everything together into an enjoyable set of videos about the PNT.

The full story of Atatice here:
   • In the Spirit of Atatice (28:54)  

Learn more about this 1200 mile east-west trail that runs through Montana, Idaho, and Washington States in the U.S. here:


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