
Описание к видео 今天茶席,第383席【眾星捧月】


茶品 / 2017年吳三地老樅水仙
急須 / 村上雄一青瓷急須
壺承 / 川口江裡藍色雲形缽
水注 / 大正時代藤手柄藍色硝子水注
茶盞 / 高橋朋子翡翠色濁手金彩盞
茶盤 / 熊谷峻青色鑄造硝子橢圓皿
茶勺 / 大桃紗織可刻花緋銅勺
茶盒 / 清代掐絲琺琅花蝶紋捧盒
花入 / 大正時代菖蒲花紋硝子扁花入

🍵今日の茶席 第383回【人々を魅了する】🍵

🍵Today's Tea Party No. 383 [Charming People]🍵
In the 11th chapter of 紅楼夢, there is a passage that reads, "是日賈敬的壽辰,賈珍先將上等可吃的東西,稀奇些的果品,裝了十六大捧盒,著賈蓉帶領家下人等與賈敬送去."
If the plot progresses through the indoor scene changes in 紅楼夢 by pushing, peeking, and blocking architectural structures such as doors, windows, and curtains, one of the most important props among them is the trinket box used to exchange utensils.
Trinket boxes used to be used only by wealthy families. Inside the small box, the image of the hedonistic life of the past is packed.
Because it is a tool to be held by hand, the material of the trinket box should be light and also need to be able to retain heat.
Shapes include oval, square, bell, hexagon, octagon, peach, lotus leaf, and flower shapes, making them easy to hold. Patterns are extremely abundant, and everything from landscapes, people, flowers, insects, birds, and animals has become the subject of decoration for trinket cases.
As trinket cases have continued to be made, they have undergone development and change, but they have always embodied the spirit of the artisan and the beauty of life.
Because trinket cases are highly artistic, they have often set new records in the collector's market in recent years. Products that combine intricate design and rich artistry are particularly popular and have become new favorites among collectors.


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