February Functional Forum: 10th Anniversary of the Functional Forum

Описание к видео February Functional Forum: 10th Anniversary of the Functional Forum

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The Evolution of Medicine is thrilled to announce the upcoming Functional Forum marking its 10th anniversary.

Our first Functional Forum took place in February 2014 at the Helen Mills Theater in Midtown Manhattan. The functional and integrative health movement had yet to grow to what it is today. Since then, much has changed: We have hosted the Functional Forum from several continents and facilitated hundreds of meetups. We are beyond grateful for the community's engagement, advocacy and support.

The first ten years of the Functional Forum were focused on bringing together like-minded practitioners and making it easy for those practitioners to start their own practices to deliver integrative and functional medicine to their local communities.

Our next ten years will be all about working toward systemic change. To kick off this next chapter, we are sharing content captured in Johnson City, Tennessee at an inaugural dinner for the East Tennessee Health Forum, a chapter of the Functional Forum, hosted by Michael Mabry, DO.

Dr. Mabry was featured on an earlier podcast episode in 2023, where we learned how group medical visits combined with a capitation payment model enable his practice to provide integrative medicine services to a community that may otherwise be underserved.

Integrative and functional medicine have historically been held back by financial limitations, such as not qualifying for insurance. Dr. Mabry’s practice has figured out a solution that is working for a town of 70,000.

If you join us for this Functional Forum, you'll see interviews with Dr. Mabry and Rob Slattery, the CEO of SoFHA, the physician-owned and led health care group serving 150,000+ patients to which Dr. Mabry belongs.

We will also hear from Patrick Hanaway, MD, who was central to the success of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine. Dr. Hanaway will share insights gained from implementing functional medicine in a large academic center. In particular, he will speak to the cost savings of reversing chronic illness.

We will showcase the data on how functional medicine practices that leverage group care can deliver significant value to the health system by addressing chronic disease reversal through patient education and support. You will see how collaboration and cooperation is allowing integrative medicine to flourish in rural Appalachia.

This episode will bring together the most important themes we’ve explored in the Functional Forum over the last ten years.

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