Discharge of Independent Persons with mental illness under Sec 88 of Mental Healthcare Act, 2017

Описание к видео Discharge of Independent Persons with mental illness under Sec 88 of Mental Healthcare Act, 2017

Discharge of Independent Persons with mental illness under Sec 88 of Mental Healthcare Act, 2017

(1) The medical officer or mental health professional in charge of a mental health establishment shall discharge from the mental health establishment any person admitted under section 86 as an independent patient immediately on request made by such person or if the person disagrees with his admission under section 86 subject to the provisions of sub-section (3).

(2) Where a minor has been admitted to a mental health establishment under section 87 and attains the age of eighteen years during his stay in the mental health establishment, the medical officer in charge of the mental health establishment shall classify him as an independent patient under section 86 and all provisions of this Act as applicable to independent patient who is not minor, shall apply to such person.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, a mental health professional may prevent discharge of a person admitted as an independent person under section 86 for a period of twenty-four hours so as to allow his assessment necessary for admission under section 89

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