Goan Chicken Vindaloo

Описание к видео Goan Chicken Vindaloo

We're 6 days into 2023, and I wish you the Absolute Best of health and all things necessary for all the coming days of this year❤️ Also, Boas Festas to those celebrating the Three Kings Feast :)

The Goan Vindaloo (pronounced vin-dah-loo) is famous, no doubt about that. Usually a pork curry, this dense, sour and spicy paste can also be used with Chicken to create a delicious addition to a meal. Top your rice/pulav with it or dip your pao/poee/sanna in it— you'll be glad you did. That's a little bit of Goa on your plate :)


For the Chicken Vindaloo paste:
6 Kashmiri Red Chilies
1/4 teaspoon Turmeric Powder
12 Black Peppercorns
6 Cloves
1/2 teaspoon Mustard Seeds*
1/2 teaspoon Cumin Seeds
1" Cinnamon
1" Ginger
6-7 Garlic Cloves
2 Tablespoons White Vinegar
A little water for grinding

*When preparing Vindaloo paste for pork, I skip the Mustard Seeds

1/2 kg Chicken pieces
2 - 3 Tablespoons Oil
2 medium-sized Onions, finely chopped
Approx 2 Cups water
1/4 Cup Tamarind water
1/2 teaspoon Sugar

Find Clyde D'Souza describing the beauty of Goa's culture in his book ‘Susegad: The Goan Art of Contentment’

It's now available internationally: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/067009...

And if you're into podcasts, why not listen to Clyde talking about Goa with noteworthy individuals? Click here to listen to ‘Susegad Stories from Goa’:

Music Credits:
Molbailo Dou from the Konkani movie 'Amchem Noxib' (An instrumental by Tabitha Dias)


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