20 Minute TRX Upper Body and Core Workout | Superset Strength

Описание к видео 20 Minute TRX Upper Body and Core Workout | Superset Strength

Grab your suspension trainer and a mat for this quick 20 minute upper body and core superset suspension strength workout.This high rep workout will combine strength exercises in the upper body and core! Set your suspension trainer in the super shortened length to begin, after block one we will then change it to mid-length for the remainder of the workout. Exercises are grouped together in a superset during today's workout. We will perform one exercise for 60 seconds. After that exercise, we will immediately continue with an exercise that targets the same or similar muscle group. The second exercise will also be performed for 60 seconds. Once we make the drop into the second exercise our muscles will be pretty fatigued. When needed, rest, take a few deep breaths, and then continue the exercise. Repeat that method until time or walk further away from the anchor point. We have five supersets today. We will repeat each superset once to really fatigue the targeted muscle group. The recovery and transition time after each superset is only 15 seconds long, so if needed, take a longer break. This is a very very high volume metabolic workout, it should feel quite challenging by the end : )

Let me know how this workout goes in the comments below : )

Skip to 2:25 to begin workout
Total Workout time: Approx 23 minutes
Total Time with Stretching: Approx 26 minutes

The Workout
Pronated pull-ups
Face pulls
Chest press
Y raises
Tricep Extensions
Iso bridge neutral grip row
Bicep curls
Pikes OR knee ins
Assisted Pull ups
(repeat and then finished)

Add-ons to compliment this workout : )
20 Minute Cardio Dropset BW Only:    • 20 Minute Dropset Cardio Interval Wor...  
All TRX workouts:    • TRX: Fit by Larie  

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🎵 All songs are licensed from epidemic sounds and soundstripe


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