椰蓉吐司面包的4种做法|Coconut bread recipe easy, 4 shaping methods

Описание к видео 椰蓉吐司面包的4种做法|Coconut bread recipe easy, 4 shaping methods

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Please watch the videos until the end to avoid missing the details.
想吃椰蓉吐司面包不用买,自己做很简单,4种整形手法一次学会|4 Methods to shape your coconut loaf bread
ingredients 所需材料:
250 g bread flour 高筋面粉
120 g warm milk 温牛奶
1 egg 鸡蛋
1.5 tbsp (20g) sugar 糖
1 tsp (3g) active dry yeast 活性干酵母
20 g softened butter 软化黄油
1/4 tsp (1.5g) salt 盐
coconut filling 椰蓉馅:
20 g softened butter 软化黄油
25 g icing sugar 糖粉
50 g unsweetened coconut 无糖椰蓉
30 g egg 鸡蛋液
Preheat the oven to 350°F/180°C in advance, and bake at the middle rack for about 20 minutes.
小吐司盒尺寸 mini loaf pan size:

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