Endometriosis Surgery | what to pack, how to get organised + what to expect

Описание к видео Endometriosis Surgery | what to pack, how to get organised + what to expect

Hi everyone! This video continues my endometriosis series; I talk about endometriosis surgery – what to pack for surgery, what to expect for recovery and what to get organised beforehand.
If I have forgotten anything or you have some tips and advice that helped you while recovering from surgery please leave a comment below!

Also, please leave any video ideas below and subscribe :)


Instagram: aliciagrace____
Endometriosis Instagram: endometri_oh_sis
Pinterest: aliciagrace

✰ F A Q: ✰

How old am I? I am 22!
Where are you from? Sydney, Australia
What did you study at uni? Marketing and Media 


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