[Former World Record] Sheep, Dog 'n' Wolf (Sheep Raider) — Any% Speedrun (

Описание к видео [Former World Record] Sheep, Dog 'n' Wolf (Sheep Raider) — Any% Speedrun (

[UPDATE] This run is outdated. Check out the new world record here:    • [Former World Record] Sheep, Dog 'n' ...  

This was a rough run, but it got saved by a bunch of new tricks and improvements to the route. It started out as a practice run to help shake the rust off, but the new route is so much better that a new WR was probably inevitable. A cleaner run could easily break into 44:XX.

[The New Stuff]
9:37 — If you run out into the void, you can make contact with a respawn zone on the other side of the cliff just before you die. This gets you to Sam faster and more consistently than the old Wall Slide method.
10:10 — When you fall into the water, you're forced to let go of the sheep, and the game has to figure out where to put it. If it's directly below the see-saw when this happens, the game seems to get confused and decide that's where the sheep is supposed to be, inadvertently teleporting it straight up into the next respawn zone. This ends up being a little faster and a lot less explode-y than the old method of playing hopscotch with the landmines.
Level 11 has been almost completely rerouted thanks to a few new tricks.
25:52 — It turns out there are a few pixels along the edge of the bridge where you can cross without causing it to crumble. Who knew. Definitely one of the scariest parts of the run, but it allows us to skip a bunch of tedious fishing rod shenanigans, so it's worth getting good at.
26:15 — This new Sheep Clip trick is responsible for a lot of the timesave in this level. Normally, sheep will reposition themselves in the middle of a platform, but by distracting them with some lettuce, you can delay their movement long enough to clip them through the floor above.
27:28 — Same thing here. You can use Sheep Clip to get the sheep up to the next floor without having to do a bunch of robot-switching.
29:05 — You can manipulate this ghost’s movement pattern to reach the mailbox and just barely order the ghost costume before you get zapped. No need to even order the ghost vacuum anymore.
31:15 — By slingshotting the sheep’s attention from the lettuce, to the button, then back to the lettuce, you can finish this level without having to get the third lettuce from the back of Sam’s area.
35:00 — With a little luck, you can lure the sheep into the cannon with a piece of lettuce and cut out the whole metal detector/gold coin section.
41:07 — Apparently you can just float up and land next to the alien. And because the devs assumed you couldn’t get there without moving the boulder into place, there’s a normal-gravity zone where the boulder is meant to go that allows you to drop back down safely.
42:10 — It's faster to fall, die, and respawn on the other side than it is to space-swim all the way back.
42:52 — Same deal here. Since the vacuum is returned to your inventory when you die, it’s faster to just run headfirst into the deadly lasers instead of going back to pick it up.

[The Bad Stuff]
4:32 — I chickened out of the new route and used the old one instead. The new route would have saved 10-12 seconds, but it’s a bit less consistent, and I wanted a surefire chance to practice some of the later levels.
11:49 — I basically forgot how to handle Sam in this section and ended up getting caught.
26:52 — I don’t want to talk about it.
36:30 — I didn’t notice that Sam hadn’t gotten stuck like he’s supposed to, and then I took like four tries to get him to chase me again. Good stuff.
41:17 — I got scared and decided not to use part of the new route. It’s faster to float around the back of this cliff to reach the black hole alien, but instead I ran all the way around and swam over to it the old fashioned way. It can be a bit tricky to land safely if you follow the faster route, and if you fail, you can lose a lot of time as you slowly drift off into space. I was already a couple of minutes ahead at this point, so I decided to go with the safer option.
43:43 — I missed the button and died. Then I missed again, crashed, forgot that stepping on the button at walking speed would kill me, and died.

All things considered, I’m definitely not mad at shaving two minutes off my previous run, but I am expecting this to be a short-lived record. The new route should be about four minutes faster than the old one, which means I spent a solid two minutes dying and chickening out of additional timesave. I'm going to keep pushing for a cleaner run, maybe 44:XX if I'm lucky.

As always, huge shout out to @ast2r , @ZeddikSpeedrun , @47mvp89 , and everyone else in the Sheep Raider discord whose efforts have helped push the run to this point. If you’re interested in running the game, check out the Discord server.   / discord  
You can also check out Aster's Advanced How To Play video for tips on how to speedrun the game.
   • Advanced How-To-Play ~ A Sheep Raider...  


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