MMDA Clearing Divisoria

Описание к видео MMDA Clearing Divisoria

The MMDA returned to Juan Luna (Divisoria) after receiving so many complaints from commuters and residents, about vendors obstructing the sidewalks and road.

People often talk about giving consideration for vendors just trying to earn a living but they forget about the side effect of the congestion and traffic.

The ordinary commuter spends an extra hour or two in traffic because the roads are blocked. Pedestrians are forced to walk in the middle of the road and hope they don't get hit by passing vehicles. And how about when there's an emergency and the fire truck or ambulance can't pass through?

And when you ask these vendors, they'll tell you they paid 2,000 - 8,000 for a "permit" and then 200-500 per day.

With that kind of money, a legitimate market or shopping center could be built to accommodate the vendors.

But of course many vendors don't want to operate in a legitimate market because it requires customers to make an effort to visit you. They prefer to setup shop on a busy road where people will be funneled to their stalls by the heavy traffic and congestion.

TFSO led by Bong Nebrija.


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