Answer to a Divine Calling: Priestly Ordination of Rev Bro Elvis and Gotran OFMCap.

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"A Divine Calling: The Priestly Ordination of Elvis and Gotran


(Soothing music plays in the background)

Hello and welcome to our channel! Today, we're honored to share with you a special moment in the lives of two Capuchin Brothers, Elvis and Gotran, as they receive their priestly ordination at the breathtaking Sop monastery.


(Cut to footage of the monastery and Capuchin Brothers)

The Capuchin order has a rich history of devotion to St. Francis of Assisi's teachings, emphasizing poverty, humility, and service to others. This ordination marks a profound commitment to a life of serving God and the community.

Meet Elvis and Gotran

(Cut to interviews with Elvis and Gotran)

Meet Elvis, with his gentle demeanor and passion for spreading God's love, and Gotran, with his unwavering devotion to prayer and contemplation. These two brothers embody the spirit of their order.

The Ceremony Begins

(Cut to footage of the ceremony)

As the sun sets over the monastery, the ordination ceremony commences. The chapel is filled with anticipation and reverence, setting the stage for this momentous occasion.

Witness the ancient rituals of priestly ordination, each gesture laden with symbolism and significance. The candidates kneel before the bishop, receiving the sacrament of Holy Orders.

The Oath
Elvis and Gotran pledge their lives to God's service, their voices echoing through the chapel as they make their solemn vows.

The Vestments
As they don their priestly attire, Elvis and Gotran are transformed before our eyes, symbolizing their new role as shepherds of the faith.

The Blessing

With a final blessing, Elvis and Gotran are officially welcomed into the priesthood. The congregation erupts into applause, proud of these two remarkable men.


Thank you for joining us on this journey of faith and fellowship. May God bless Elvis and Gotran as they begin their new life as ordained priests. Until next time, may God bless you all. Amen.


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