Common Base Transistor Amplifier Simulation in LTSpice Using 2N3904

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🔥🔥Common Base Transistor Amplifier Simulation in LTSpice Using 2N3904 🔥🔥
The electronics engineering field has various branches including industrial electronics, consumer electronics, space and military, telecommunication, mobile industry, repair, service, maintenance, calibration, instrumentation, medical electronics etc. The core of the electronics is the circuit design, PCB design, simulation, testing, validation of circuits and analyzing the circuit functions.

This video is related to the design of common base transistor amplifier using NPN BJT Transistor 2N3904. This is a very common transistor used in many electronic projects. The common base configuration has the Gain=1 or unity gain while it has a large voltage gain, in our case it is 100V/V with 10mVpeak input and 1Vpeak output swing. The biasing is done such that the amplifier works in active region of is transfer characteristic curve and has maximum swing. The common base amplifier configuration is commonly used in RF/Microwave amplifier. The Gain is the ratio of the collector and emitter resistors. The base terminal of transistor is connected to ground via a capacitor hence named as "Common Base" Configuration. In the common emitter, the emitter terminal is connected to ground. The input and output currents are 180 degree out of phase and equal in magnitude. The spice model of 2N3904 is already available in LTSpice library and biasing is done by taking random resistor values just by hit and trial and with my own experience. There is a whole set of calculations and equations which I did not included so as to keep the video compact and clear.

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