Gordon Ryan's MASTERCLASS in Scrimmage Wrestling

Описание к видео Gordon Ryan's MASTERCLASS in Scrimmage Wrestling

What is scrimmage wrestling? If you ask Gordon Ryan, he'll give you a long winded Danaher-esque answer but to sum it up quickly, it's the type of wrestling that is best suited for the ADCC ruleset. In ADCC, when points are on you can score by putting your opponent on their butt or back for 3+ seconds. Essentially it's more important to control your opponent after the takedown than the actual take down.

Gordon isn't a gifted takedown artist or a master of takedown defense (although still pretty damn good at both), he is a master at playing within the ruleset. In this match you will see that in actual pure wrestling, Barbosa has the upper hand. But at the end of the match, Gordon is the only one that is able to score points.


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