
Описание к видео 金銀蒜粉絲蒸蟶子皇

材料 Ingredients
8 Razor clams

1/2 條芫茜(切碎)
1/2 cilantro (chopped)
1 stalk of green onion (chopped)
1 red chili (chopped)

A. 蒸蟶子(蒸魚豉油)製作
How to make Steam Clam (Fish) Soy sauce
5 to 6 cilantro roots
0.5 cilantro
3 bowls of water

將材料清洗乾淨,中火 3碗水,煲剩大半碗水。
Rinse the cilantro and cilantro roots. Rinse well. Boil the above ingredients at medium heat until 1/2 of juice left.

Mix well with the below ingredients

Cilantro juice 4 parts
豉油 1份
Soy sauce 1 part
糖1/2 份
Sugar 1/2 份

B. 製作金銀蒜
How to make Deep Fried Garlic with raw garlic

材料 ingredients
2個蒜頭 整個 (切碎)
2 whole garlic (chopped)

1. 燒熱鍋,把3/4 的已切蒜頭,放於1碗冷油中小火炸5分鐘, 再調至中大火, 炸至淡黃啡色,可撈起。
Hot pan, add 1 bowl of oil, add 3/4 chopped garlic, deep fried at low heat for 5 mins.
Then switch to medium high heat and deep fried until light brown.

全部連滾油及蒜一同倒在生蒜上, 隔去油。
Pour the garlic (with oil )over the raw garlic, Put them in a colander. Remove excessive oil.

C. 調配蟶子皇醬料
How to make Clam sauce

Oyster sauce 1 tbsp
Pepper 1/4 tbsp
Sugar 1/2 tsp
金銀蒜 全部
Fried Garlic with garlic (All )

Mix well with the above ingredient

D. 製作入味粉絲
How to make tasty vermicelli

1 small vermicelli
1/2 bowl of chicken stock

1. 粉絲放於一碗水中浸30分鐘。
Soak vermicelli in a bowl of water for 30 mins.
2. 去走粉絲多餘水份
Remove excessive waterof vermicelli.

3. 雞湯煮至大滾。熄火。
Boil the chicken stock until rolling boil. Gas off.
4. 放粉絲浸45秒,撈起,去水。備用
Soak vermicelli in soup for 45 seconds. Remove excessive water. Put aside for later use.

E. 金銀蒜粉絲蒸蟶子皇
How to steam Razor Clam with fried garlic and vermicelii

1. 蟶子清洗乾淨去內臟,完全抹乾水分。
Remove the dirt and inner waste of razor clams. Rinse the clam. Remove excessive water and wipe dry thoroughly.

2. 粉絲墊底, 放上蟶子4隻, 上面再放上少許粉絲, 放上金銀蒜醬料, 大火蒸3分鐘。
Place vermicelli on the plate, clams on top, place some vermicelli over, add some garlic mix sauce. Steam at high heat for 3 mins.

3. 蟶子上灑上蔥花,芫茜碎, 再灑上少許紅椒絲, 在蔥上贊上2湯匙滾油。 淋上(蒸魚)豉油即成。
Add some chopped scallion, cilantro, red chili over razor clams, add 2 tbsp of hot oil over scallion, add some fish soy sauce. Served Hot.



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