Mystery Car Accident Results in 20-Year-Old Woman's Arrest for Drunk Driving

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On June 24, 2024, Miami County Sheriff's deputies were dispatched to a suspicious vehicle in the middle of the roadway. After a brief delay in activating the body worn cameras, we discover that a 20-year-old woman has crashed her car, but she doesn't know how it occurred, where it occurred, or when it occurred. Deputies spend several minutes questioning her about the damage to her vehicle, but she is unable to provide any information that makes sense. She did, however, admit to consuming 2 Twisted Teas, even though she is underage. She was asked to perform standardized field sobriety tests and she was eventually arrested for underage DUI. Off camera, she was transported to the Miami County Sheriff's Office, where the police report indicates she blew a 0.056% BAC. Her charge and the outcome of her case is discussed at the end of the video.


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