Entitled Drunk Drama Queen Demands Her Phone During DUI Arrest

Описание к видео Entitled Drunk Drama Queen Demands Her Phone During DUI Arrest

On February 23, 2024, Stow police officers responded to a single car motor vehicle accident with the damaged vehicle blocking a lane of traffic. Officer Williams was first on scene and the 23-year-old driver of the crashed vehicle immediately admitted to consuming alcohol. Officer Williams attempted to push her vehicle to the shoulder of the highway, but the vehicle was too badly damaged and would not move. The woman then refused to listen to commands to get out of the traffic lanes. As a result, she was escorted to Officer Williams' police vehicle, where she was detained in the backseat. She then started demanding her cell phone so she could call her mother. When Sgt. Burgess arrived, she made similar demands to him. Eventually, a tow truck arrived to tow the damaged vehicle off the highway. Officers transported the woman to a nearby gas station, where field sobriety tests were attempted. Between complaining about Officer Williams and wanting to call her mother, the woman only completed the horizontal gaze nystagmus test. She was arrested for DUI and was transported to the Stow police department, where she became very concerned about her looks for the upcoming mugshot. The police report indicates she blew a 0.201% breath alcohol concentration. Her charges and the outcome of her case are discussed at the end of the video.


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