クロスエッジ Cross Edge - Full Exhibition "Part V : EX Combos (P01/02)"

Описание к видео クロスエッジ Cross Edge - Full Exhibition "Part V : EX Combos (P01/02)"

Video recorded by Master LL
( http://themasterll.net )

[ クロスエッジ Cross Edge ]
Full Exhibition "Part V : EX Combos"
( Part 01/02 )


Project X is now being uploaded weekly... yes it is that huge.
It contains over 5 parts with nearly over one hour in length (so that's a lot of cutting up for YT).

{ About this Part }
At last, the final part! All the EX Combos for everyone!

Only the actual EX Combo is shown since including the attacks (which there are multiple ways to trigger majority of it) will easily double or triple the time length of the final part of the Exhibition.

This is probably my most "can't wait" part to see since you RARELY see any of this in actual gameplay. Amazingly most of the skills are AWESOME (eg. Southern Cross) or funny as hell (eg. True Prinny Raid & Beg For Life).

Thanks for having patience to see it all (as well as wait for it weekly)!
I really hope you enjoyed it all too!

Aside from that, if there is enough request, I'll put up all 5 Cross Edge Exhibition Parts to be downloadable (in normal viewing format [not YT edited format]). That way you can download the part you like the most!

As for future gaming:
- Brutal Legend looks fun! (50% chance of getting)
- Bayonetta JP looks really fun (75% chance of importing)
- Final Fantasy XIII JP is a must (already pre-ordered)
- Ar Tonelico III JP is a must (will import soon for his L4)

Cross Edge is officially completed!
Well... tomorrow or Wednesday... back to that game.. yes that game!

System: PS3-ENG


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