Ambient Music for a Metaverse - 1 HOUR | Ep 14: Whispers

Описание к видео Ambient Music for a Metaverse - 1 HOUR | Ep 14: Whispers

Does knowledge exist in Ether? Did AdAM create a vast well of ancient wisdom to act as a blueprint to his world? It's one thing to create environments that evoke the feeling of lost civilizations and places buried by time. It's another to give these things purpose and meaning- even if it has to come out of thin air.

While exploring today, I came across a curious location...a library. But not like anything I've ever seen before. It was wall to wall, ceiling to ceiling with, what looked to be tomes. A vast collection of forgotten knowledge...whispers from wise medieval sages.

My curiosity was bubbling over. What secrets lay in these dusty volumes? Spells? Maps? Detailed histories of the first civilizations to emerge in Ether. The librarian and protector of this collection was a clockwork marvel. A floating golem made of gold and gears whose mind contained the location of every single book in the cavernous hall.

To my dismay, the books were all empty. Cover to cover filled with aged, blank pages. I imagine AdAM didn't feel the need to populate his world with history and magic just yet. Maybe my presence (and my curiosity) will change that.

#ambient #ambience #relaxing #atmospheric #music #scifi #metaverse


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