Colossal Ceiling Deep Dive SOLO Scout Speedrun

Описание к видео Colossal Ceiling Deep Dive SOLO Scout Speedrun

This week seemed pretty fun to do, not sure why. Perhaps it was because the hostile strategy I had for the dreadnoughts that increased the fun factor. A sub 14 is possible, but I think a sub 13 is also likely with better routing and execution than mine.

Build / Loadout
Primary: M1000 Classic, 2 3 2 2 3, Minimal Clips
Secondary: Zhukov NUK17, 1 1 2 3 1, Embedded Detonators
Perks: Deep Pockets, Resupplier, Veteran Depositor
Grenade Choice: Pheromone Canister
Beer Choice: Rocky Mountain

At the end of stage 2, I increase my framerate to have better odds of clipping into the pod. I could just uncap my fps for the whole run but generating more frames significantly heats up my graphics card. 90 fps I find puts my gpu in the 50's (Celsius), sometimes 60's.

Notes about this run...

Stage 1:
This stage is practically half the speedrun. I won't blame you for skipping this part, but I invite you to keep watching to understand the routing I developed.

The execution on this stage was rather sloppy, especially up to starting the refinery process. Much to blame was my inattention to certain details and overall performance. For example at the start after making the small tunnel, either Bosco ignored my command to mine out some morkite and I didn't notice, or I pressed X without realizing it right after telling him to mine it, making him stop. Either way, I paid for it with a few seconds at the end when I realized there wasn't the usual morkite pile on the ground. Also, my inattention to how much morkite I had in pocket when Bosco was finishing up the final pipe also made me lose a few seconds.

Other time losses here are purely RNG. For a sense of how influential this stage is, my best split here is a 7:25 and the average is about 8:13 out of about 15 runs. It depends mostly on which pipes break and where the pipe breaks are in the cave. I got pretty lucky this run with the first pipe break on one pipeline, meaning I only need to fix two pipe nodes. The second pipeline was also pretty lucky. Two pipelines broke but at least the broken nodes were very close to my perch. I also lost time here by checking the rest of the pipeline I already fixed. Another perfect case of bad attention to detail.

I also clipped out of bounds with the refinery rocket at the end. I was not expecting that to happen lmao

Stage 2:
This stage feels so good to run, and that's probably mostly because it's Rich Atmosphere. My best split here was in this run at a 3:47 which REALLY surprised me because my best split previously was a 4:19. I think this is because of how aggressive I was with the Hiveguard this run. There might be more time to save if I ferried morkite continuously to Molly with the help of rich atmosphere, but I did not bother to see if that was at all any faster.

The idea for any Mining Expedition mission is to get Molly to where you want her as fast as possible, typically with shortcuts to make as straight of a path as possible. Sadly, rich atmosphere does not affect her so despite zooming around at the speed of sound I am essentially time gated by Molly. The idea for this run is to progress both the Hiveguard fight and the morkite collection at the same time. I did not go for Born Ready to try and "one shot" the Hiveguard. I didn't take the time to really see if was faster or not. So I don't really know if in this situation the 15 seconds spent waiting for Born Ready to proc during the fight is better than a 5-second resupply speed with Resupplier. Because, well, I need to resupply before the stage 3 dread fight either way so dropping a resupply on the Hiveguard while I mine morkite sounded like the best thing.

Stage 3:
Meet Randy the Spitballer. You can ignore him.

My best split here is a 2:54, this run got a 2:59. There is mild RNG when fighting the OG. My movements around it are to try baiting out certain actions like the stomp or its roar stance so I can maximize damage with Embedded Detonators. With some carefully placed shots, I can 2-cycle the OG out of existence.

I did not expect to type this much considering how relatively little time I spent on this run. I am literally less than 850 characters away from the limit. I'm done talking about this run.

Hi, how are you doing? Thanks for reading this far!

00:00 Build / Loadout
01:17 Refinery & 150 Morkite
09:17 200 Morkite & Hiveguard (rich atmosphere & cave leech cluster)
13:39 4 Alien Eggs & OG Dread (parasites)

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