Furious Bedrock Elite Deep Dive SOLO Scout Speedrun

Описание к видео Furious Bedrock Elite Deep Dive SOLO Scout Speedrun

Hello again, it's been a while since I last posted. Been exploring other interests like music. Also been working on a pretty big DRG video so keep an eye out for that. Anyway, this week's EDD seemed pretty interesting to run, so I did it. I expected to get frustrated with the higher hazards but honestly this week was rather enjoyable.

ModHub has a feature called "Hide Junk Debris" that removes things like grass and other non-interactable objects that embellish the caves. Just in case you're wondering why the caves look bare.

Build / Loadout
Primary: M1000 Classic, 1 3 2 1 1, Electrocuting Focus Shots
Secondary: Jury-Rigged Boomstick, 1 1 3 1 1, Special Powder
Perks: Deep Pockets, Resupplier, Veteran Depositor, Berzerker, Iron Will
Grenade Choice: Pheromone Canister
Beer Choice: Dark Morkite

I initially ran this dive with Rocky Mountain but switched to Dark Morkite to make stages 1 & 2 more streamlined. Further details below.

At the end of stage 2, I increase my framerate to have better odds of clipping into the pod. I could just uncap my fps for the whole run but generating more frames significantly heats up my graphics card.

Notes about this run...

Stage 1:
This refinery being on haz 4.5 isn't so bad but I imagine refineries are worse to run if they're on either stage 2 or 3. The wells are very accessible and the amount of pipe nodes can be optimized with some minor terrain adjustments.

Keeping BOSCO busy is key in running this stage smoothly. I found it best to let BOSCO build the longer pipes while I finish up everything else, and with Dark Morkite I can minimize the amount of time I spend getting morkite then reallocate that time towards the pipes.

Once the refinery starts, so does the RNG. Throughout the entire process I try to end it with 160 nitra deposited. During it I have to look out for web spitters and shockers as they are the most problematic enemies this stage. Standing on top of the refinery rocket allows me to conserve ammo (I won't be resupplying until halfway through stage 2) while also keeping an eye on pipes 1 & 2 and which nodes start leaking. I have to use the UI to know if pipe 3 leaks which isn't all that bad. At the end of the process I ride the rocket to the compressed granite layers to further avoid bug interaction until it seems safe to head on over to the pod.

Stage 2:
This stage is pretty large for a 200 morkite mission, especially the last cave. The robot section is also a pain to deal with since there is an essential morkite vein there (there was one time in my runs where the robots were in the last cave instead of the 2nd). With Dark Morkite I can minimize the amount of time I spend with the robots. This can vary though since the composition of robots can change from run to run. Repulsion and sniper turrets are the worst on top of the spitballer in the same room.

I first grab the vein in the drop pod cave. With DM this vein is worth about 24 morkite. Then a bit after the dirt wall I begin digging straight down to help the mule move faster through the stage. This shortcut is also conveniently right above the next vein where I'll quickly fill my pocket. Then it's RNG if I live or die breaching through the dirt wall. Typically depends on what's defending the wall. Iron Will helps here. I then mine out the vein after the wall, call the mule, and head towards the black box to drop a resupply and put some progress on it. But because I'm still full from the first 2 veins of morkite, I head back to the last vein to meet the mule and start depositing, then collect the dropped morkite and move to start the black box. Usually around this time an unannounced swarm spawns as soon as I start the box. Pheromones and EFS help a lot to control the crowds and Veteran Depositor helps to make me sturdier. Finally, I grab the last 2 veins and purposely take the Mules to the back of the last cave so the exit pod will drop in the previous cave.

Stage 3:
This stage can get messy real quick so at the start I take initiative to stabilize myself in the cave first. Loses time over being gung ho, but is a safer and more consistent strategy. I prep the mini mule in the pit by putting its legs close to it but not repairing it. I work outside-in, 1st the mini mule by the 2 eggs, then the 2 eggs, then BOSCO gets the egg in the pit while I repair the pit mule and a precise resupply knocks down the egg from the ceiling. Then its a race against the last of my pheromones to get the eggs in before I become mincemeat.

00:00 Build / Loadout
01:15 Refinery & 150 Morkite (cave leech cluster)
08:32 200 Morkite & Black Box (rival presence)
14:41 4 Alien Eggs & 2 Mini Mules (elite threat)

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