Danmakufu - Junko Boss Battle (Joke)

Описание к видео Danmakufu - Junko Boss Battle (Joke)

I was joking with some fellow scripters about how I could just replace Flowey in my latest script with Junko, leave the rest pretty much as-is, and it'd be fitting. And so, since I got nothing better to do right now, I decided to do it. For all of you who've been wanting me to make a Junko script, here it is! =P

(Nah but seriously, I may feature Junko in a "serious" role for once in a future script if I ever get around to making it).

I'm probably not gonna put the download link up for this cuz I'm lazy, but if enough people clamor for it then eh, I just might.

Original thumbnail art: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.ph...

And here have a silly GIF I made: http://puu.sh/l2hIk/1c278434ea.gif


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