Unwanted attention is not cute, it's harassment - Seema Anand StoryTelling

Описание к видео Unwanted attention is not cute, it's harassment - Seema Anand StoryTelling

I’m very sure the man who sent this message is not a bad guy and that he definitely did not “mean” any harm, and yet…..

I could once again say “consent is not just a simple yes or no, it is about respecting the other person’s boundaries” but actually let’s instead ask, would a guy still do this if the woman in question was his boss or in a powerful position? 🤔

Definitely not!!!!

We all understand boundaries and consent - we just choose our behaviour when we know there will be no repercussions.

“Good intentions” are not enough, you have to be responsible for your actions.

Calling someone in the middle of the night because “you like them”❌

Drunk calling because you feel you don’t have the courage to say it when you’re sober❌

Asking your colleagues to get involved and pass on messages ❌

If you like someone but are nervous about talking to them, send them a message instead, be confident in yourself!!
But also, be prepared to accept a “No” with grace. Not everyone is going to like us back, that’s a harsh but very real lesson we all learn at some point in life


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