Learning Art? Do You Have One Of These?

Описание к видео Learning Art? Do You Have One Of These?

Free Illustration Mini Workshop: https://www.thedrawingcodex.com/illus...

Do you Have one of these Artistic Talents? Or know someone who is just really good in these areas?

Here is a brief rundown -

1 - The Ability to Draw What You See
(Tip - Check out Betty Edwards Drawing on The Right Side of the Brain)

2 - Natural Design Sense
(Tip - This is hard to acquire...But try to consume a high quality visual diet. Look at things which have stood the test of time. Figure out why certain looks work and don't work... Study great visual and industrial design from the earliest records to our imaginings of the far distant future...basically start paying attention to the world and what you like and don't like about it)

3 - A Photographic Memory
(Tip - Build reference into your process... figure out when and how you need to use it... it doesn't need to be a lot... but consider if you cannot remember details... how you will be able to recall them in some other way at the time you need)

4 - Right Brain Focus
(Tip - Check out Joshua Waitzkin's The Art of Learning. Or other books which speak to the way we learn Intuitive and/or physical based skills and crafts. Focus on Flow State over What/Why)

5 - A Positive Relationship With Art
(Tip - Do your Critical Editing at a specific point of your process, don't let it take over and inject into every aspect of what you do. Make sure you enjoy the act of sitting down to do your art... and make sure you aren't listening to people who are telling you to stop drawing or that art is worthless... Listen to people who are doing what you want to do, and know what's involved in getting there.)

Happy Drawing!

Tim Mcburnie

Learn Drawing and Illustration from me: www.thedrawingcodex.com

Portfolio: www.timmcburnie.com


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