Hacking the Raspberry Pi's VideoCore IV GPU - Louis Howe

Описание к видео Hacking the Raspberry Pi's VideoCore IV GPU - Louis Howe

Hacking the Raspberry Pi's VideoCore IV GPU for Fun, but Definitely Not for Profit. Talk by Louis Howe at pdxbyte 6/10/14.

Let's delve into the murky, semi-open-source guts of the Pi's GPU! We'll explore its architecture, check out some sweet hacks and reverse-engineering efforts, and live-code a bare-metal QPU app in assembly. Whether you're on a mission for open hardware or just morbidly curious, come for a discussion of why anyone would spend their time digging into a closed firmware blob, as well as some speculation about the future of low-power hardware accelerators like the VideoCore.

Credits and references:
My changes available at: https://github.com/louismhowe/videoco...

Louis Howe is an embedded software consultant, architecture enthusiast/Turing machinist, and new Portland transplant.

pdxbyte is a Portland, Oregon users group primarily for languages that compile to machine native format such as C, C++, and Assembly. http://pdxbyte.org


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