【活動能力及預防跌倒】昇耆逸檔案 - 1. 引言

Описание к видео 【活動能力及預防跌倒】昇耆逸檔案 - 1. 引言

老唔惱 – 防跌耆妙法,路遙皆可達
Demand on your CARE: Keep Preventable Falls Away from You

很多長者會容易跌倒和失平衡,因而影響他們獨立生活的能力。曾經跌倒的長者,傾向對他們的能力失去信心,並減少與外界的接觸。有些人認為讓長者多留在家,可以防止他們跌倒,然而事實遠非如此。 導致長者跌倒的危機因素,可能與他的身體狀況、健康問題,或家居環境相關。有些藥物引致眩暈、混亂等副作用,因此有機會增加跌倒的風險。雖然跌倒可能有嚴重的後果,但是長者也不應該生活在恐懼之中,反而可以認真地努力維持和改善健康,以減低跌倒的危機。 這個課程將會介紹不同的安全建議,指導如何可以在家中減少跌倒的隱憂,包括一系列長者在室內也能輕易練習的運動。假如真的遇上跌倒的情況,課程中也會有一個自救指南以供參考。
Falls and imbalance occur commonly in older people that robs their independence. Seniors who have fallen tend to lose confidence in their abilities, and reduce contact with the outside world. Some people may think staying at home can keep a senior from falls. Unfortunately, this is just far from the truth. Fall risk factors may be linked to a senior’s physical condition, a medical problem, or home environment. Some medications can increase risk of falling because they cause side effects such as dizziness or confusion. While falls can be serious, seniors should not live their life in fear. Instead, seniors can be diligent about maintaining and improving health to lower their risk of falls. This course will bring you safety tips on reducing fall hazards at home. We will guide you through a set of exercise that a senior can easily practice indoor. In case of a fall event, a self-help guide will also be shown. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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