VEDUN - Shamanic drumming of the musical magi and therapists

Описание к видео VEDUN - Shamanic drumming of the musical magi and therapists


Šamansko bobnanje ansambla Vedun na koncertu z naslovom "Pojoče in duhovne vezi Slovanov in Slovencev s svetom", novembra 2016 v Ljubljani.

Slovanski mojstri zvoka morajo biti tudi mojstri življenja, duhovni učitelji, svečeniki in zdravitelji. Njihova vloga je bila podobna tudi mojstrom glasbenikom v keltski tradiciji, kjer so se imenovali Druidi - Oghni. Žal se je urejevalna vloga starih mojstrov, zvočno-energijskih terapevtov preteklosti, v zadnjem stoletju že povsem izgubila. Le redki jo še poznajo. Slovenski ansambel Vedun pa oživlja njihovo modrost in vlogo že skoraj 40 let (Trutamora Slovenica), v istoimenskem ansamblu Vedun pa 20 let.

Poučuje in vodi jih dr. Mira Omerzel - Mirit, duhovna učiteljica, kozmična kirurginja, glasbenica in znanstvenica. Vsi glasbeniki ansambla Vedun so akademski glabeniki, ki so starodavno modrost okušali tudi med tovrstnimi mojstri glasbeniki različnih kultur sveta.
Shamanic drumming of the Vedun Ensemble at their concert, titled 'The Singing and Spiritual Ties between the Slavs, Slovenes and the World', November 2016, Ljubljana

Slavic masters of sound have to be the masters of life, spiritual teachers, priests and healers. Their role was similar to that of the master musicians of the Celtic tradition, who were called Druids – Oghma. In the last century, the harmonising role of those ancient masters, sound-energy therapists of the past, was unfortunately completely lost. Only a few know it today. The Slovene Vedun Ensemble has been reviving their wisdom and role for almost 40 years, initially in the Trutamora Slovenica Ensemble and for the last 20 years in the Vedun Ensemble.

The musicians are taught and guided by Dr Mira Omerzel - Mirit, a spiritual teacher, cosmic surgeon, musician and scientist. All the musicians of the Vedun Ensemble are academic musicians, who have also experienced this ancient wisdom with master musicians of this kind from different cultures of the world.


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